Month: December 2016

Trump accuses Obama of putting up ‘roadblocks’ to a smooth transition – The Washington Post

  Trump knows he is going to have a lot of problems in his administration and he is already looking for people to blame.  Maybe he should have researched the job before running for office,   The president-elect criticizes actions the outgoing Obama administration is taking related to Israel. Source: Trump accuses Obama of putting up ‘roadblocks’ to a smooth transition – The Washington...

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Trump’s careless ignorance could make him the world’s most dangerous man

There is a good reason that Donald Trump failed to win the endorsement of a single serious newspaper (the Ku Klux Klan “Crusader” does not count). It is not because the press is uniformly liberal; there were plenty of traditionally Republican and conservative editorial boards that could not bring themselves to support Trump. It is because people who work on newspapers deal in facts, and the fact is that the president-elect is woefully unprepared for the office he has won. Source: Trump’s careless ignorance could make him the world’s most dangerous...

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