Author: njfinn

Trump Still Has Not Released His Taxes

“The fact that the president-elect refuses to release his tax returns is a tragic failure of transparency, and it needs to be corrected,” Wyden said in a press release. “With President-Elect Trump flouting bipartisan traditions of disclosure while engaging with foreign leaders at the highest level, it’s more important than ever to ensure that the Commander-in-Chief isn’t playing by a different set of rules.”...

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Bernie Just Printed a Gigantic Trump Tweet and Brought It to the Senate Floor

Keep them honest Bernie and keep up the good fight!!!   The Senate is currently debating the repeal of Obamacare. And since Senators love their visual aids, it makes sense that Bernie Sanders brought one along with him to work today. But Bernie’s sign marks the dawn of a new era in a lot of ways. He literally just printed out a tweet from President-elect Donald Trump Source: Bernie Just Printed a Gigantic Trump Tweet and Brought It to the Senate...

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Trump keeps claiming credit for jobs he had nothing to do with

Trump probably thinks the sun rises to see him every day and we should all be happy he is here or we would all live in darkness.   Given this track record, the next time Donald Trump takes credit for saved or created jobs, it’s a safe bet he isn’t telling the truth. Source: Trump keeps claiming credit for jobs he had nothing to do...

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House GOP Gives Staff Broader New Powers to Grill Witnesses – Bloomberg

This is how a Govt can start abusing people and not have to follow the courts to ensure our rights.  Being able to pull anyone they want in to testify can be used to intimidate and harass people.  Not a good thing. A little-noticed provision approved Tuesday by the U.S. House dramatically expands the powers of committee staff to haul private citizens and government officials to Capitol Hill to be questioned under oath — without any lawmakers present, in some cases. Source: House GOP Gives Staff Broader New Powers to Grill Witnesses –...

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